Thursday, 27 February 2014

#FeBOOary You made it, almost.

You made it, almost there. Tomorrow sees the final day of #FeBOOary. I just wanted to say well done to you all, hope you had a great time.

Hope that Jonathan puts another one together next year.

Really hope to see you all in June for #AudioMo

Monday, 10 February 2014


We will still be posting to Tumblr.

We have rejigged our Tumblr. It can now be found here

Of course we will follow you if you are over on Tumblr.


Thursday, 6 February 2014


By now many of you will be underway with #FeBOOary.

I just wanted to weigh in and say good luck to all of you.

Hopefully you are all following @SawyerGB on Twitter to get your topic of the day to audiopost about.

A huge thank you to the Google+ Audio Community for talking Jonathan into running another #FeBOOary. Really proud of that community.

Happy #FeBOOary'ing you lot.

It's alive..

Well after a lot, and I mean a lot of heartache and head scratching I have decided to resurrect the old AudioMo website.

Tumblr didn't work because I want the ability to reply to peoples comments.

Blogger seemed very clunky. Don't get me wrong I do like Blogger, just want to use something without the fear of Google closing down the service.

So it's back to self hosted.

Hope you like the new look. Hope all you folk taking part in #FeBOOary are enjoying yourself.

Looking forward to June and the #AudioMo challenge.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


This is just a quick test post to see how Blogger handles and feels these days. 

The reason I am trying it again is I want to find a place I am happy posting the AudioMo blog.

We will see.